"I wanted to do something..." "Why did I come here, what did I need here?" "I forgot something and I don't remember what." Probably, everyone is familiar with such memory lapses. Moreover, the further we go, the more often it happens, but in childhood it almost never happens. We are often amazed at the ability of children to remember everything, to notice the smallest details: how can you remember (and most importantly - why do you need to remember it?!) the picture on the ice cream cup that we bought three months ago? Or where was the present for the birthday before last hidden? It's just that small children have had too few events in their lives, so such details do not have time to be erased by later layers of information. And besides, now we take so many photos that it is difficult to distinguish our own memories from these captured images.
Children, as a rule, have a good memory, and they are constantly forced to train it by memorizing poems, formulas and facts. But the child turns into an adult, intensive training ends, and… do adults often learn poems? Not often, and in vain! Learning poems is useful for everyone. This type of mental activity increases the number of neural connections through which information will subsequently be processed. That is, memorization helps to train memory, and process information, and invent something new.
It is often difficult for us to remember something right away, so schoolchildren are advised to learn poems not at the last minute, but in advance. This happens because it takes from several hours to several days to form neural connections. You may notice how sometimes you learn a poem, but it just doesn’t want to be remembered, you forget a word, or you change the lines in places, or entire stanzas are missing. And the next day you wake up, and everything seems to fall into place. And it’s not just with poems: forcing yourself to do something new is difficult, following a habit is much easier. But science says that habits sometimes need to be changed; even changing your daily route to work, for example, will be a useful little exercise for the brain.
Poetry helps improve diction and develop artistry. The first may not be so relevant for adults, but the second is important for everyone. And it is also a challenge to one's own laziness. And also a way to demonstrate one's own erudition, by the way inserting an apt quote.
In general, there are so many benefits from this type of activity that it would be a sin to sit around doing nothing; I’ll go and learn something!
Мне нравится ваши заметки – нужно, полезно, и прекрасно написано! хорошее владение письменным слогом. Одно удовольствие! спасибо!
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