Delightful, amazing books, you just need to buy one - and now the whole collection is slowly gathering on the shelf. And you notice that, hand on heart, not all of these fairy tales are among your favorite ones, you already have some in other publications, but this doesn’t matter, what’s important is that there are illustrations by Anton Lomaev, and everything else fades into the background . And now the collection is growing, and you are eagerly waiting and following the news to see what book Anton Lomaev will decide to illustrate next. Yes, yes, that’s right: he decides to illustrate it! Anton Lomaev is so cool that it is not publishers who order illustrations from him, but he himself decides what he wants to draw, and then takes his works to the publishing house.
Most of the books with illustrations by Lomaev are classic European fairy tales, but there are also adult fiction (“Moby Dick”, “Cavalry”, “Sherlock Holmes”, the fantasy series “Wolfhound”), as well as children’s books not only illustrated , but also written by the artist himself - “Bom-Bom-Bom!” and “Lullaby for a little pirate.”
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