If you love without a single line of peace, then you won’t find another book like “Seryozhik.” There is a dragon, and the dungeons of evil gnomes, and a time machine, and a trip to heaven, and a luxurious life in a palace, and an orphanage for orphaned hedgehogs, escapes, chases, magic, cobwebs, stars - ugh, there are even sparks from the eyes!
But at the heart of this movement is an instructive and touching tale about how a little hedgehog, who previously lived in his small simple world and knew no grief, is forced to show his best qualities, overcome his fears and go in search of the kidnapped mother, because no one will help her except him.
This long tale with a large number of characters, complex relationships between them, with many moral meanings, gives a myriad of reasons for reflection. The themes are eternal: good and evil, the most important thing in life, the ability to appreciate what you have, working on yourself...
“Seryozhik” for children from 6 years old - HERE
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