Дружба маленьких и хороших

Friendship of small and good

I have long been wondering what secret the Scandinavians know that no matter what they undertake, everything turns out great. For example, children's literature - no matter what the work is, it is of the highest standard! And Nils, and Mummies, and Findus, and Andersen’s fairy tales, and all of Astrid Lindgren... And Tutta Karlsson with Ludwig the Fourteenth is no exception: this is a wonderful fairy tale about the friendship of a fox and a chicken. Their families at first do not accept this friendship and try in every possible way to prohibit communication, but kindness in the end, of course, wins! The book is written in simple language and will be understandable to children from the age of 4. As for the riddle of the Scandinavians, so far I have only come up with this answer: their standard of living has long been very high, so you don’t have to think about everyday moments, but focus on the beautiful - literature, art , design, science and other really interesting things Something like that.

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