Who is this unprincipled person? Who is this impudent guy? And who cares about winning at any cost? Cheat, interpret the rules exclusively in your favor, coldly ruin your rivals - who is this about?
This is about a munchkin - this is the name given to cynical board game players for whom it is not the participation or the process that is important, but only the victory, no matter what the cost. It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but it is in this game that such an attitude is not only legalized, but raised to the highest degree. Come on, become an inveterate scoundrel, because secretly you have always wanted this!
In order to upgrade your character to the tenth level and thereby win, you can do anything here: harm others, grab something that is bad for yourself, and, on the contrary, hide extra cards in your sleeve. Send monsters to your opponents and lure valuables from them. You can transform your characters as God pleases: change race, gender, hang yourself with all sorts of incredible clothes, you can grow a second head or an extra pair of hands. And the gear here is of such a plan: a sword of open-mindedness, tights of giant strength, boots of a mighty kicker, a rat on a stick, etc. Or, for example, among orcs, goblins and other demons you come across such a monster as an insurance agent...
And the rules are specially written in such a way that the law is straight forward: wherever you turn, that’s where it goes. Yes, yes, the rules here are not the ultimate truth, but on the contrary, they encourage players to argue, pull the blanket over themselves, and even with particularly strong passions, go into hand-to-hand combat. It is only stated that the last word in such situations remains with the owner of the deck. That's how he goes crazy, how he takes away all the cards, how he leaves you - then you'll know!
Terrible game! Very funny! Absolutely reckless!
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