I heard on the radio here that children need to be taught to read from a very early age. So they said, start reading books to your child at the age of two... But what to do before the age of two? M? They didn't say that. Probably, “not to deprive a child of his childhood,” as some grandmothers and other major education experts say. Sorry, this is personal...
And modern books for little ones are masterpieces of publishing art! How to capture the minds of kids and attract the attention of parents? Russian folk tales have already been published a million times with illustrations for every taste, what else can be done that is new? Fierce competition forces publishers to come up with new moves, and that's great! Because kids now receive not just a fairy tale, but a toy book, and all sorts of special effects: windows, stickers, lacing, puzzles, theaters... She would play and play herself! Well, actually, I’m playing, thanks to the child for my second childhood.
I also really like the element of multitasking in these toy books: you need to simultaneously perceive the text by ear and perform some task with your hands, developing fine motor skills along the way. So “Turnip” turns into a whole performance, “Where did the sparrow have lunch?” into a risky attraction, and encyclopedias with windows unobtrusively prepare the ground for Perelman’s “Entertaining Physics”, and then the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is not far away... The main thing is to start on time, grandmas.
Мы начали читать, когда дочка была еще у меня в животе. Читаем вслух каждый день, от книг не оторвать!
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