She is not Astrid Lindgren's most famous, but, in my opinion, one of the best.
Lindgren has philosophical works, parable books, sad fairy tales ("Mio, my Mio", "Little Nils Karlsson", "The Lionheart Brothers").
There are very simple, uncomplicated stories for little ones about children from Loud Street.
And there are books full of life, pranks, fun about the happiest, carefree childhood, “We are all from Bullerby” is just like that.
She looks like everyone's favorite "Pippi" and "Emil". Only there is already a whole bunch of children operating here - 6 people, and this alone promises action! They all live in a village of three houses, there are no other children there, so these six are inseparable. Oh, no, sometimes they do get separated, because three girls must have secrets from three boys. And vice versa, of course, too. But basically all the games, holidays, all work and study are together!
They even connected the windows of their rooms so that they could climb over to visit each other or send messages by rope mail.
It may seem that childhood in a tiny village is not so exciting, but every day of these children is filled with such wonderful games that you want to drop everything and go to this remote village for the holidays. They spend the night there in the hayloft, look for treasure, and go to the mill specifically to be afraid of the merman. They come up with a joint stock company to sell the cherry harvest, save the life of a lamb, and barely escape from a furious ram themselves. They also bake ginger pigs for Christmas, visit people on a sleigh for New Year, play pranks on the teacher on April 1st, and tell fortunes for Midsummer.
There is a lot of humor in this book, you will laugh heartily more than once! For example, when you read how two girls were sent shopping, and without writing a list, they composed a song on the way in which they listed everything they needed to buy. The song ended with the words “And boiled sausage, the most, the most delicious!” Do you know how many times the girls had to return to the store? Do the math! :) Can you guess why they were very angry about this very sausage?;)
And a seventh child was born in Bullerby - and everything connected with this baby is also very funny. One of the boys was shocked by how the baby looked, and kept saying, “What a monster! She doesn’t even look like a human!”, and then he still couldn’t understand that this “poor thing” was the sweet baby he saw through several months at christening - the same child. But the girls, on the contrary, immediately fell in love with the baby and were always happy to tinker with her, and then one day they were asked to stay as nannies for the whole day. At first the girls were completely delighted, they told each other how to communicate with children correctly, that under no circumstances should you raise your voice at them, much less swear, but the further, the less enthusiasm remained among the young nannies, and in the end they decided that teaching was not their calling.
All this is described very wittily, our reading was more than once interrupted by laughter, and now we often quote this book, which has become one of our favorites.
A few words about the publication. This is a wonderful gift option: large format, snow-white thick pages, many illustrations, some of which are done in the style of oil painting - very unusual. 200 pages of fun for both kids and parents!
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