“If you want your children to be smart, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be even smarter, read them more fairy tales,” said Albert Einstein. But how to read if the child does not listen? Einstein would hardly have given an answer to this question, because the great physicist was not a great father and family man, to put it mildly. Well, our physics, to put it mildly, is not very good, but we will try to answer the question about books. Well, at least tell me how it was with us.
We started reading books when our son was literally a few months old. He lay in his crib, and I told him short nursery rhymes and showed him pictures in a book. Since a child at that age only needs his mother to be nearby, he was very pleased that they talked to him expressively and showed him something bright, so he got used to good things very quickly, and reading instantly became our daily activity. This went on for some time, and then I noticed that we were reading everything the same, and as soon as I pick up something new, the child protests, slips me something that has already been read to the gills, or simply loses interest and distracted. But I remember that the mother is in charge, and she should command the parade, not the one-year-old baby, so I slowly began to achieve my goal. “I’ll read for myself, but you don’t have to listen, just play,” I generously allowed, and then I set up a one-man theater with different voices, with onomatopoeia, chants and other special effects.
“Old Grandfather Kol
He was a cheerful king,” I recited in a low voice.
“He shouted loudly to his retinue,” she continued to bass, tapping the rhythm with her foot.
“Eeeeeee, pour us some cups,
Fill our pipes.
Call my violinists and trumpeters
Call my violinists!” - I trumpeted in low notes, and I myself was ready to believe in my acting talent. Willy-nilly, the child listened to this and could not help but pay attention, so the next time, the book was no longer completely new to him. So I rubbed the new items into confidence.
Everything settled down very quickly, and there was no further talk of any protest. This happened at an early age, so the habit formed ironclad.
But I have friends who missed this fertile period, and now they are unable to interest their five-year-olds in fairy tales. What to do? My advice is to engage your child in every possible way. Look for publications with beautiful illustrations, look at picture books, play together with toy books with windows, laces, and puzzles. There are even flavored books in which you need to rub the page to smell, for example, chocolate - who would refuse that! Well, start reading before bed, when the children will do anything to stay up longer.
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