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If you bite a cat by the tail, there is no tail!

Missing the good old pandemic? She came to you in a detective story!
In the Far Forest, which we already know well, a new disease is progressing: the beast experiences an irresistible desire to bite its neighbor by the tail. If he succeeds, he infects his victim with the virus, and he himself falls into a severe, continuous hibernation. The victim begins to look for a new victim. And so the disease spreads along the chain through a bite, like rabies.̶U̶s̶o̶p̶sh̶i̶kh̶  Those who have fallen asleep are stored in the Family Rook clinic, but the beds are quickly running out, and there is no medicine.
Until a panacea is found, the authorities decide to take restrictive measures: they close public spaces, test everyone on wool strips, oblige animals to tie up their tails (the majority of the population does this casually, for show, but officials have their tails secured with a plane tree, don’t move, even though it’s terribly inconvenient). And finally, they announce a complete shutdown with all those measures that, of course, are still fresh in the readers’ memory. But in the forest there are also Kus dissidents and underground establishments. Everything about them is like that of people!
And these parallels with our human life, in my opinion, are the funniest and coolest thing in the “Beastly Detective” series. A bar where various dark personalities drink liters of mujito. Frog quacount is the main means of communication in this world. The eternally squealing hare with many children “yap.” A nervous mouse psychotherapist who, during a session, non-stop scribbles something into a notepad and demonstrates active listening by repeating the patient’s last word (this is sooooo infuriating!). Well, and of course, a magnificent couple, as if straight out of the black-and-white screen of a classic detective movie, starring an elderly, flabby, world-weary senior police badger who would rather sleep in his hole, but he does his job, just doing his job, son. And his young and daring partner. They investigate the dark history of the origins of the Kus-virus. A complex, multi-stage story, replete with events and characters that confuse and lead away from the real criminals. I’m telling you for sure, no matter how experienced a detective lover you are, you will only find out the solution on the last pages, you won’t guess it yourself. The killer is not the butler!
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