“Our northern summer is a caricature of southern winters,” so every fine day counts, and we want to spend it as brightly as possible. Now I’ll tell you about our exclusively summer activities with children (which, among other things, look great in photographs ;)
Picnics come first for us; we have turned this festive event into an everyday one. It turns out that this is an excellent alternative to boring walks on playgrounds and more expensive entertainment such as amusement rides. All you need is bedding and a supply of the most ordinary food: sandwiches, fruit, cookies. We take books, badminton, and a ball with us and spend several happy hours filled with light and warmth in the park, alternating between snacks, reading and outdoor games. And a kite comes with us on a picnic - that’s the same thing as summer entertainment. You run barefoot through the grass, catch the breeze and admire Batman soaring against the backdrop of the high sky and white clouds - just the quintessence of a happy childhood!
We had one of the most interesting adventures in the city when we arranged a small quest for the children on the street. They drew a treasure map that started from the house and led to a sandbox full of buried treasures: gold-painted pebbles, glass marbles and similar beautiful little things. Even a seven-year-old child selflessly dug in the sand with a shovel in search of treasure.
Did you make “secrets” as a child? This is when you dig a hole in the ground, put there, like a magpie, all the most beautiful things in this world - a candy wrapper, glitter, a flower - and cover it with glass on top. My children and I have never done this before, but we need to try it - I wonder if today’s youth will appreciate the full power of these works of art.
Creativity of approximately the same format is a frozen herbarium. We collect small bright flowers and leaves, put them in ice trays and freeze them. It turns out very fresh and avant-garde. And like summer.
And once we celebrated a children's birthday in the park, and it was very hot. Therefore, we all just had a blast with the war with balloons filled with water: we pour so much water into the balloon so that it is the size of a fist and tie it tightly - the bomb is ready, imagine how bright, wet and fun it is! Children against adults - attack!
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