The best time to read this book is autumn...
Although the narrative here unfolds throughout the year, autumn is still the most contemplative time, and in this book little happens, a minimum of events - a maximum of descriptions.
Now is the time to cover yourself with a checkered blanket, pick up a mug of hot cocoa, open “The Wind in the Willows” - and immerse yourself in the cozy world of English nature: admire
the rays of the setting sun, gilding the dark tops of the trees, breathe in the freshness of the evening river, catch the rustle of the reeds, look into cozy houses with solid antique furniture, with storage rooms, with windows to the garden, in such houses friends are always welcome - maybe somewhere will you treat me to pumpkin pie with cinnamon?
And also trudge along a dusty path on a summer afternoon in the company of friends. Or sail on a boat on a warm night and listen to the magical sounds of the pipe of some unknown, but definitely very kind musician.
Stepping on the crisp first frost on the grass in the morning.
Catch snow flakes from the dark sky with a mitten.
And feel that you, your cozy hole, your faithful friends, your blanket and cocoa are part of this serene, beautiful world.
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