I simultaneously timidly and impatiently enter the room where the New Year's miracle must have already happened. Here, on a stool intricately decorated with cotton wool, my beauty, a one and a half meter high PVC Christmas tree, grinned with sparse branches! The day before, my brother and I dressed her up the same way as millions of Soviet families did: with clothespin toys made of very thin glass, which crumbled in our fingers with any wrong movement. There was a pyramid, and a hare, and a Russian beauty, and an oriental beauty, and some pretty old lady in a red scarf, and there were also plastic balls with a cavity surrounded by luxurious plastic lace, in this cavity you could hide something small, it was reflected there in the mirror surface, and there were also bizarre balls, a little reminiscent of an apple bitten on all sides, with depressions in the glass. At the end we varnished everything with tinsel and rain. There were problems with the rain: firstly, if it was last year’s rain, it had to be untangled first, and secondly, the plate on which it was held had to be hidden somewhere unnoticed. Where should I put it? Just put it under the tip. By the way, why is it raining, is it winter?
So I run to the Christmas tree, and there are the flagship positions of "Children's World": the game "Electronics: Well, wait a minute!" for me and a table basketball with buttons for my brother! Oh, yes, two more plastic bags filled to capacity with candies and - sweet gifts are not only harmful, but also useful! - a couple of tangerines. For some reason, when I was a child, all tangerines were fluffy and sweet, and easy to peel. And our friends received the same packages with loose tangerines, luxurious “Grillage” in green wrapper and “Snowball” caramels for the New Year. Friends came to visit us, enjoyed the role of a wolf catching eggs on the tiny screen of Elektronika, and the next New Year they themselves became the happy owners of the same game. And we went to visit friends, and, impressed by what we saw, we asked our parents or Santa Claus to give us “Monopoly,” a programmable all-terrain vehicle, or an electric board game “Catch a Fish.”
Atlas "The World and Man", "Fairy Tales of the Peoples of the World" under purple and "Fairy Tales of Foreign Writers" under a yellow cover, a book with three fairy tales: "Mowgli", "Carlson" and "Winnie the Pooh" were, like these toys in almost every home. We are so different, but we still have common memories!
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