"I know school is only a month away, but you just go slower," as the famous meme said.
Yes, there is still time, but it's time to start preparing!
So, two books from the 50s: “First-Grader” by Evgeniy Schwartz and “Andryusha Goes to School” by Natalia Nikitich. Education was separate back then, so one book was only about girls, and the other was exclusively about boys.
In general, these two books are very similar: they are about how a little person moves into a completely new life for him, about how he learns to study, how he meets new people, what feelings he experiences and how he copes with them.
Both books, of course, are filled with signs of the times; they are a real treasure trove of information about how schoolchildren lived 70 years ago. It seems to me that modern children perceive these works as historical stories. For them, this is as distant an era as the 19th century is for us. Approximately how we imagine the life of the nobility from the works of Tolstoy and Turgenev, they read about all these counselors, units, attendants and other inkwells.
It is very interesting to see how much childhood itself has changed during this time. For example, Andryusha dreams of a globe, goes to look at a large globe in a store window and is delighted when he receives a smaller globe for his birthday (because the one in the window is very expensive). Can modern children imagine that they can rejoice at such a gift? :) Or now it already seems strange that children went to first grade without knowing a single letter, without being able to count to 10. But no one accompanied them to school, and they simply went to visit each other every day without warning.
Get ready for school, remember, discuss, compare - tell your children how it was and how it will be.
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