General plan: panorama of the Soviet summer city. Approaching: boulevard, fountain, children playing, mothers walking with strollers, citizens rushing about business. A girl, Katya, about ten years old, is walking along the boulevard in a short dress, with two pigtails and skillfully kicking a ball. Immediately she meets a boy loaded with several boxes, they exchange short phrases, and together they go to Katya’s house.
All in one shot, did you notice?
Apartment in a Stalinist building, close-up: a crocodile, two rabbits, a turtle and a starling are sitting in boxes.
The boy leaves, Katya runs to the grocery store, buys oatmeal, then hurries to the cinema, ducks past the usherette, catches her friend in the hall, hurriedly tells her that she has animals at home, “state property”, they quickly leave the hall together . They run around the city, gather their girlfriends, and strangers also follow them, having accidentally heard about the exotic menagerie. On the way, they inadvertently touch a big man with bales, and he scatters the balls, “a hundred and twenty-five pieces according to the invoice,” the kids immediately snatch them up, and now the whole street is playing with multi-colored balls of various calibers. The balls scattered - the balls gathered, all “one hundred and twenty-five on the invoice” - we ran on.
The whole honest company bursts into Katya’s apartment. There are no animals here.
Stop, it's taken off!
All in one shot, did you notice?
Further this monolithic storyline is divided into several, it will no longer work in one frame, but each branch continues to develop at breakneck speed. As you probably already understood, now the entire city will catch the runaway animals.
So, with new strength. Camera, motor, shooting!
Katya's comrades are following in the footsteps of a turtle, which the local kids managed to exchange several times: first for candy wrappers, then for a book about Baron Munchausen. A turtle is caught from the lake.
Katya’s dad, with the help of a mop, steering wheels and invaluable advice from onlookers, removes a crocodile from a drainpipe and, like Lenin with a log, walks along the wide avenue of a flourishing city with a crocodile clinging to the mop on his shoulder.
Prodigal rabbits return to their native land in a cake box (gorgeous, with cream).
"Hello!" - shouts a starling that has had its fill in the wild and dives into the cage on the windowsill.
It all ends with a mass tea party with a cake (chic, with cream).
Stop Removed.
A fast-paced, funny and very cinematic book "Katya and the crocodile".
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