To break the rules, you must know them very well! Because you can violate only with knowledge of the matter, otherwise there will be chaos and confusion.
The creators of this intellectual board game speak Russian perfectly, and therefore called the game “Ikhniy Ikhnievich and Evon’s Friends”!
If children are growing up in your family who are mastering the rules of our great and mighty, Ikhniy Ikhnievich is rushing to your aid! This box contains almost all the rules that are studied at school: declensions and conjugations, spelling and punctuation, morphology and syntax.
The game has two decks of cards, one contains the rules of the Russian language, the other contains examples. The instructions describe various ways of playing, but in a nutshell, players will have to select examples on a given topic, and vice versa - analyze the examples by composition, looking for them to correspond to certain rules on the cards.
There is a quick version of the game: for example, a card with some rule is laid out, and you need to come up with an example as quickly as possible.
We draw a card, it says “Comparative degree” - we shout “Faster!”, “Higher!”, “Stronger!” in a race. Whoever shouts first moves forward across the playing field.
Or "Prime number" - someone shouts "Two!" But here’s what’s wrong: “two” is a noun, and a numeral is “two.”
Let's complicate it. We open not one, but three cards at once and come up with an example that satisfies all three conditions: “Feminine”, “Neuter”, “Third person”.
- This is his mother's dress.
You can read about other ways to play here here, there are instructions there, as well as photographs of cards with rules and examples.
You can start playing from the age of seven, the game will not lose its relevance until all the rules of the Russian language are mastered, that is, several years.
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