Maxwell is 12 years old, and it seems to him that everything in his life is wrong: his parents are constantly quarreling, his older sister is a bore and a nerd, there are only problems at school, his best friend says hello. But the worst thing is that Maxwell himself aggravates the situation: he is rude to his parents, egging on his friend, getting on the teachers’ nerves and playing dirty tricks on his neighbor.
With some kind of desperate gloating, he drives himself deeper and deeper into a heap of problems and cannot stop. Maxwell himself knows this, the adults around him are not monsters and also understand this, but the boy does such things that anyone will run out of patience.
Maxwell comes to the conclusion that he always ruins everything, and everyone around him would be better off if he did not exist at all.
Click! And his wish comes true. He finds himself in a world where he was never born.
So, are all his family and friends happy here?
No and no! It turns out that no matter how much Maxwell screwed up his former life, he managed to do good deeds. He saved the dog, but in the new world the dog died. He won a large sum in a drawing competition, and with this money his school was completely renovated - and in the new world his classmates study in a dilapidated, scary building. In his old life, little Maxwell gave his dad childishly naive, but sincere and correct advice - and dad decided to make changes and became happier. In the new world, no one said the right words to his father - and he drags on a joyless existence. And the same thing with the teacher: in the real world, thanks to Maxwell, his class teacher found real human happiness, confessing his love to a girl, but in the parallel world - alas, no happiness, decline.
In the new world, Maxwell does not become an invisible man, no, everyone sees him, but no one recognizes him - Maxwell is a stranger to everyone. He is alone in the whole wide world, and he will have to get out on his own.
One of the most important themes in the book is how do teenagers perceive themselves? Are they really that frostbitten and don’t care about anyone? And they don't know what they're doing? Or do they actually understand everything perfectly well? Why then do they continue to behave this way? There is a serious discord in the soul of the hero of this book, and he seeks to transfer his inner state to the world around him, and he is by no means delighted with himself.
- Family relationships and how they affect children
- Pdivorce. Can it be a blessing
- The ability to appreciate what you have, love loved ones and respect yourself
- Can a person be completely alone and still be happy, or is happiness necessary for other people and common memories
- Work in a person’s life
- The influence of our simplest deeds and even words on the lives of others.
The list is not complete. There is something to think about, something to discuss, and upon re-reading, something new to discover. This is such a multifaceted, deep work.
Psychologically, this is not a difficult story: everything will end well, Maxwell, pushing off from the bottom, will float to the surface.
And at the end of the book there is a twist - not life-changing, but interesting.
Trace the relationship of events in human life: "Erased".
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