John Farndon: The Great Journey Through the Human Body
The usual price $44.95 This book tells in detail, clearly and incredibly fascinating about how the human body works and how it works. What does our body consist of, what are cells, tissues and organs? How do muscles, nerves and hormones work? Why do we need water and food and what happens to them in the human body? Why do we get sick and how do we recover, how do we recognize smells and tastes? How do we think? Why do we look like our parents?
A detailed answer to each question is divided into convenient blocks and illustrated in such a way that it becomes clear not only how the human body is arranged, but also how exactly all life processes take place in it.
For children 8-12 years old.
Author: John Farndon
Illustrations: Tim Hutchinson
Pages: 80 (coated). Hard cover
Dimensions: 297x227x12mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-младшего-школьного-возраста, Возраст_для-среднего-школьного-возраста, Жанр_анатомия-и-здоровье, Жанр_энциклопедии, Категория_нон-фикшн, Язык_русский