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“Abetka” is one of the most famous books in the history of philosophy, the history of history of history “A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA” originated from it. The view of "Abetka" is simply unfinished by illustrating Kost Lavro, the leading artist of the view. Yogo rіdnі аnd аѕ іnѕе аlѕе аlѕе classic images zvrushuhuyut and enchant for all life. It turns out that the stinks were always talking about Laurel bunnies and cats themselves singing over our colossi... Before the book, popular songs went up, in the home of rich generations of Ukrainian children, and also create new ones. Arranging the book Ivan Malkovich.

Publication language: Ukrainian

Author: Ivan Malkovich

Illustrations: Lavro Kost

Pages: 36. Cardboard

Dimensions: 175x210 mm