The cunning Crow, the naive Suslik and the resourceful Khoma - all these fairy-tale characters were invented by the wonderful writer Albert Ivanov. He turns 85 in 2023! Here is a book for the anniversary of the writer-storyteller. It contains fascinating tales and bright drawings. In the fairy tales of the famous writer, extraordinary events occur. Khoma saves the stars, Crow dreams of becoming a cat, and Grif wonders what is better: legs, wings or tails?.. The book includes amazing tales about Khoma and the Suslik, the Sly Crow and other favorite heroes.
Hurry up, open the book and read fairy tales!
Author: Albert Ivanov
Illustrations: Elena Gershuni, Ekaterina Plaksina
Pages: 224 (offset). Hardcover
Dimensions: 220x170x21 mm