"Tail Eaters" is the sixth part of Anna Starobinets' "Beastly Detective" series. In the Far Forest, there is an epidemic of a new, unexplored cous-virus. Rook The doctor unsuccessfully fights for the health of animals: there is no cure for the virus, the prognosis for the sick is sad, and precautions like tying tails do not work. Everything indicates that the virus is of artificial origin. Who is he, the evil genius who launched the brutal epidemic? Animal lives depend on the answer to this question: the one who created the disease must also know the secret of healing. Badgers of the Police pursue the criminal, risking their own skins. And the kus-virus haunts them themselves - like a monster tail-eater from a children's rhyme.
Author: Anna Starobinets
Illustrations: August Ro
Pages: 208 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 240x170x20mm
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