Interactive notebook. Fractions and percentages with stickers
Interactive notebook. Fractions and percentages with stickers
Interactive notebook. Fractions and percentages with stickers
Interactive notebook. Fractions and percentages with stickers
Interactive notebook. Fractions and percentages with stickers

Interactive notebook. Fractions and percentages with stickers

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Common price $14.95

An interactive notebook in a playful way will help your child learn what fractions are, where they are used, how to round them, add and subtract, what percentages are and how to translate them. Now learning fractions and percentages is interesting, and applying the knowledge gained in the future is useful.
On each page you will solve puzzles, go through mazes, stick stickers and do many other interesting tasks with fractions and percentages. Test exercises will reinforce the acquired knowledge.

Pages: 32 (offset). Soft cover

Dimensions: 215x250 mm

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