Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms
Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms
Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms
Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms
Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms
Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms
Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms

Korney Chukovsky: Silver coat of arms

The usual price $17.95

The item is almost out of stock, only 1 left

The silver coat of arms, this distinctive sign of the students of the pre-revolutionary men's gymnasium, the boys wore on their uniform caps.
The hero of the story is unfairly expelled from the gymnasium and deprived of his precious insignia. The carefree, full of pranks student everyday life is being replaced by a completely different life: vagrancy, job searches, new friends and enemies - everything that represents a street in a colorful multinational southern city of the late 19th century.
The autobiographical story "The Silver Emblem" was written by K.I. Chukovsky in 1938.
Read with the whole family!

Author: Korney Chukovsky

Illustrations: Alexander Kuzmin

Pages: 224 (offset). Hard cover

Dimensions: 145x215 mm