Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet
Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet
Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet
Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet
Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet
Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet

Leonid Kochetkov: Disappeared letters of the alphabet

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About some letters of the old Russian alphabet, we do not even know how to read them correctly. What did they mean, how did they sound, and why did they disappear? What was the first Russian alphabet? Who and when came up with the letter "e", which is still sometimes written, sometimes not written? The letters of the Russian language surround us everywhere - so let's find out their history.
For elementary school age.

Author: Leonid Kochetkov

Illustrations: Elena Popovskaya

Pages: 24 (offset). Soft cover

Dimensions: 270x210x3mm

Series: For curious children