My first crosswords. Collection for children 5-6 years old
The usual price $2.95 By solving these crossword puzzles, the child will learn to name sounds in order and determine their number in a word. This work helps to prevent errors in writing.
The notebook offers two types of crossword puzzles.
The first is to guess the word vertically by entering or laying out the names of the pictures from the letters of the split alphabet under the corresponding numbers horizontally.
The second is crossword puzzles consisting of words starting with the same letter. It is necessary to enter (lay out from the letters of the split alphabet) words in accordance with the number of letters in each word.
The notebook is designed for joint work of adults and children.
Authors: Ekaterina Kutsina , Nadezhda Sozonova
Pages: 32 (offset). Soft cover
Dimensions: 245x165x2 mm
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-дошкольников, Жанр_книги-о-языке, Жанр_кроссворды-и-ребусы, Жанр_развивающие-пособия, Категория_обучалки-и-развлекалки, Язык_русский