The short story collection Once Upon a Time in the Simpleveld includes three stories about the brothers from the Netherlands and their girlfriend, so beloved by readers: "How Tim got bitten by a horse", "Baas' magic stones" and "Maxander and the other girl". Together with the main characters, readers will be able to visit a real stable, investigate an almost detective story that happened in a small town, and even, it seems, fall in love for the first time. And also get acquainted with the culture and life of Holland and get socialization skills. The perfect book for family reading, reading aloud and before bed. For readers ages 5 and up and their parents.
Author: Natalia Remish
Illustrations: Daria Lavrova
Pages: 104 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 222x169x15mm
Series: Once Upon a Time in the Simpleveld