The long-awaited continuation of the adventures of George and Annie, written by the brilliant astrophysicist, author of numerous works on space and the world's most famous popularizer of science Stephen Hawking and his daughter, science journalist Lucy Hawking.
In the fifth book, friends go to the training camp for young astronauts to investigate the mysterious disappearance of Jupiter's moon Europa. But in the camp itself, everything is not so simple: the tasks are exhaustingly difficult and dangerous, and the head of the camp, Rika Dur, seems to be plotting something not good. But perhaps the most difficult thing will be that in this adventure, friends will have to split up and overcome all difficulties along with the partners chosen for them, who, at first glance, are not the most pleasant people.
Author: Stephen Hawking
Illustrations: Harry Parsons
Translation: Evgenia Kanishcheva
Pages: 376 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 217x155x28 mm
Series: George