Victor Hugo: Notre Dame Cathedral
The usual price $24.95Victor Hugo is the creator of romantic drama, a magnificent writer whose works still captivate readers all over the world.
The famous historical novel by Victor Hugo “Notre Dame de Paris”. It is thanks to its appearance that we can admire one of the most beautiful Gothic cathedrals in the world - in the very center of Paris. Hugo drew attention to the cathedral with his work, and did this deliberately, since Notre Dame was about to be demolished. The author did not hide the fact that the main character of his novel is Notre Dame Cathedral itself. Under its Gothic arches a dramatic love story will unfold - one of the most famous and fatal in the history of literature. Intrigues and unexpected turns, love and jealousy, revenge and treachery, death on the scaffold and death from the inability to survive the loss of a loved one - against the backdrop of medieval France with its splendor and horrors. It is impossible to forget the proud gypsy Esmeralda, the ugly bell-ringer of the Notre-Dame Cathedral Quasimodo, the brilliant and cruel-hearted handsome Phoebus, tormented by the jealousy of the priest Frollo. How impossible it is to forget the French Middle Ages, recreated in the novel with amazing power of imagination!
In this edition, the text is accompanied by illustrations by French artists of the 19th century.
Author: Victor Hugo
Illustrations: François-Joseph-Aimé Georges de Lemude, Louis-Henri de Rudder, Louis-Charles-Auguste Steineil
Translation: Nadezhda Kogan
Pages: 640 (offset). Hardcover
Dimensions: 216x149x30 mm
Series: Foreign literature. Big books
ДРУГИЕ ТОВАРЫ ПО ЭТИМ ТЭГАМ: Ru, Возраст_для-взрослых, Жанр_литература-xix-века, Жанр_реалистические-повести-и-рассказы, Категория_художественная-проза, Происхождение_западная-европа, Язык_русский