The most complete collection of stories about the famous Mole, created by Czech animation artist Zdeněk Miler. Mole is a kind and touching character of Czech cartoons, which is familiar to millions of children and adults around the world. And now he has settled on the pages of our books for the little ones. The collection "The Mole and All-All-All" includes the stories "The Mole and the Green Star", "The Mole and the Car", "The Mole the Artist", "The Mole and the TV", "The Mole and the Eagle", "The Mole and the Umbrella", "The Mole and Christmas". The stories "The Mole and the Green Star", "The Mole the Artist" and "The Mole and Christmas" are published in Russian for the first time. Bright and colorful illustrations by Z. Miller will give kids the joy of meeting their favorite cartoon characters about Mole.
Author: Zdenek Miler
Pages: 320 (offset). Hard cover
Dimensions: 265x203x20 mm
Series: Mole